




1. Suante, Kamtungtuang & Bray, Mark (2023): ‘Researching Shapes and Forms of Shadow Education: Methodological Challenges and Complexities of Private Supplementary Tutoring in Myanmar’. ECNU Review of Education.

2. Bray, Mark & Hajar, Anas (2023): ‘Complexity of the Contexts: Features of Private Tutoring and Units for Comparison in the GCC Countries of the Middle East’. ECNU Review of Education.  

3. Bray, Mark (2023): ‘Understanding Private Supplementary Tutoring: Metaphors, Diversities and Agendas for Shadow Education Research’. Journal for the Study of Education and Development. English and Spanish:  Chinese:  

4. Bray, Mark (2023): ‘Geographies of Shadow Education: Patterns and Forces in the Spatial Distributions of Private Supplementary Tutoring’. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Vol.53, No.3, pp.343-360.   

5. Bray, Mark & Zhang, Wei (2023): ‘Cross-Border Shadow Education: Private Supplementary Tutoring in the Global Education Industry’. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, Vol.42, pp.28-43.  

6. Bray, Mark (2022): ‘Timescapes of Shadow Education: Patterns and Forces in the Temporal Features of Private Supplementary Tutoring’. Globalisation, Societies and Education.   

7. Suante, Kamtungtuang & Bray, Mark (2022): ‘Displacing the Schools: Default Privatisation and ‘School-less’ Arrangements for Shadow Education in Myanmar’. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.  

8. Bray, Mark & Ventura, Alexandre (2022): ‘Multiple Systems, Multiple Shadows: Diversity of Supplementary Tutoring Received by Private-School Students in Dubai’. International Journal of Educational Development, Vol.92, pp.1-8.   

9. Bray, Mark (2022): ‘Teachers as Tutors, and Tutors as Teachers: Blurring Professional Boundaries in Changing Eras’. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, Vol.28, No.1, pp.64-77.  Online

10. Liu, Junyan & Bray, Mark (2022): ‘Responsibilised Parents and Shadow Education: Managing the Precarious Environment in China’. British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol.43, No.6, pp.878-897.

11. Bray, Mark (2021): ‘’. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1915749

12. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2021): ‘’. Environment and Urbanization, Vol.33, No.1, pp.43-62.

13. Gordon Győri, János & Bray, Mark (2021): ‘’. Hungarian Educational Research Journal HERJ., Vol.11. pp.79-88

14. Bray, Mark (2021). 'Shadow Education in Europe: Growing Prevalence, Underlying Forces, and Policy Implications'. ECNU Review of Education. Vol.4  

15. Bray, Mark (2021). ''. Hungarian Educational Research Journal HERJ. Vol.11, No.2, pp.168-188.

16. Liu, Junyan & Bray, Mark (2020). ‘’. International Journal of Educational Development, Vol.76, pp.1-8

17. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2020). ‘’. European Journal of Education, Vol.55, No.3, pp. 322-341.

18. 张薇,马克.贝磊,姜文峰 (2020).. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版). 38(11), pp. 21-38

19. Ghosh, Pubali & Bray, Mark (2020). ‘’. European Journal of Education, Vol.55, No.3, pp. 342-360.

20. Liu, Junyan & Bray, Mark (2020). ‘’. European Journal of Education, Vol.55, No.3, pp. 361-375.

21. Bray, Mark; Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa; & Suter, Larry E. (2020). . Comparative Education Review, Vol.64, No.1, pp.87-106.

22. 马克·贝磊(2020),,全球教育展望,49(02)pp.35-61.

23. Bray, Mark (2020): ‘Les systèmes éducatifs formels ont-ils un avenir?[‘Formal Education Systems: Do They have a Future?’]. Revue Internationale d’Éducation de Sèvres, No.83, pp123-129.

24. Liu, Junyan & Bray, Mark (2020). . Educational Studies, Vol.46, No.2, pp. 170-187. DOI 10.1080/03055698.2018.1555452.

25. Bray, Mark & Zhang, Wei (2019): ‘Une privatisation par défaut : Expansion et enjeux du soutien scolaire privé en Asie’ [‘Privatisation by Default: The Expansion and Implications of Private Supplementary Tutoring in Asia’], Revue Internationale d’Éducation de Sèvres, No.82, pp.102-112.

26. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2019): ‘Mapping and Analyzing Private Supplementary Tutoring: Approaches and Themes’, ECNU Review of Education, Vol.2, No.1, pp.3-6. 

27. Ghosh, Pubali, & Bray, Mark (2018).. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development,Vol.20, No.1, pp.33-50.

28. Bhorkar, Shalini & Bray, Mark (2018).. International Journal of Educational Development, Vol.62, pp.148-156.

29. Bray, Mark; Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa; Zhang, Wei; & Liu, Junyan (2018). . Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol.50, No.4, pp.435-455.

30. Bray, Mark & Zhang, Wei. (2018). . International Journal for Research on Extended Education, Vol.6, No.1, pp.98-107.

31. Mahmud, Rafsan, & Bray, Mark (2017). . Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Vol.37, No.3, pp.299-309.

32. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2018): ''. Oxford Review of Education, Vol.44, No.2, pp.221-238.

33. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2017): '', Journal of Educational Policy, Vol.32, No.1, pp.63-81.

34. Bray, Mark (2017): ''. Comparative Education Review, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 469-491. Click  for the video of CIES 2017 Presidential Address. 

35. Liu, Junyan & Bray, Mark (2017): ‘’, Education Economics, Vol.25, No.2, pp.205-218.

36. Wang, Dan & Bray, Mark (2016): ‘’, Asia Pacific Education Researcher, Vol.25, No.5-6, pp.873-881. 

37. Bray, Mark; Liu, Junyan; Zhang, Wei & Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa (2016): ‘’, Revue Internationale d’Éducation - Sèvres, No.72. pp.125-136. 

38. Bray, Mark; Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa; Liu, Junyan & Zhang, Wei (2016): ''. International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 49, pp. 291-299.

39. Bray, Mark (2015): ‘’. Revue International d’Éducation Sèvres. No.68, pp.81-92.

40. 马克.贝磊,刘钧燕(2015).,13(03),pp.1-16

41. Bray, Mark & Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa (2015): ‘’. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, Vol.45, No.4, pp.465-481. 

42. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2015): ''. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 83-106.

43. Bray, Mark & Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa (2014): ''. Comparative Education Review, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 590-620. 

44. Kwo, Ora & Bray, Mark (2014): ''. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 403-416.

45. Bray, Mark (2014): ''. Asia Pacific Education Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 381-389.

46. Chan, Claudia & Bray, Mark (2014): ''. Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 361-388.

47. Zhan, Shengli; Bray, Mark; Wang, Dan; Lykins, Chad & Kwo, Ora (2014): ''. Asia Pacific Education Review, in press.

48. Bray, Mark; Zhan, Shengli; Lykins, Chad; Wang, Dan & Kwo, Ora (2014): ''. Economics of Education Review, Vol.38, No.1, pp.24-37.

49. Bray, Mark & Kwo, Ora (2013): ''. Oxford Review of Education, Vol.39, No.4, pp.480-497.

50. Bray, Mark (2013): 'L'éducation parallèle: Nature et implications du tutorat extrascolaire privé en Europe'.  – Sèvres, No.66, pp.89-98.

51. Bray, Mark (2013): ''. Journal of International and Comparative Education, Vol.2, No.1, pp.18-30.

52. Bray, Mark (2010): '', Asia Pacific Education Review, Vol.11, No.1, pp.3-13.

53. Bray, Mark (2006): '', Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, Vol.36, No.4, pp.515-530.

54. Bray, Mark & Kwok, Percy (2003): ''. Economics of Education Review, Vol.22, No.6, pp.611-620.

55. Bray, Mark (2001): 'Out-of-School Supplementary Tutoring', Childhood Education: Infancy through Early Adolescence, Vol.77, No.6, pp.360-366.


1. Bray, Mark (2023): ‘Control of Education: Issues and Tensions in Centralization and Decentralization’, in Carlos A. Torres,  Robert F. Arnove & Lauren Ila Misiaszek (eds.), Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local, fifth edition, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp.221-242.

2. Bray, Mark (2023): ‘Shadow Education’, in Tierney, Robert; Rizvi, Fazal; & Ercikan, Kadriye (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier, pp.346-351.

3. Mizala, A., Christensen, S., Verger, A., Bray, M., Zhang, W., Sarangapani, P.M., Yonezawa, A. and Ogunniran, M.O. (2022) ‘Political Economy of Education: Implications for Efficiency, Equity, and Social Justice’, in Vickers, E.A., Pugh, K. and Gupta, L. (eds.), Education and Context in Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment [Duraiappah, A.K., Atteveldt, N.M. van et al. (eds.)]. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP, pp.166-254.  

4. Bray M. (2022) .. In: Lee W.O., Brown P., Goodwin A.L., Green A. (eds) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2327-1_10-1


5. Bray, Mark (2021): ‘Shadow Education’, in Tierney, Robert; Rizvi, Fazal; Ercikan, Kadriye & Smith, Graham (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier (in press).

6. Bray, Mark (2020): ‘Shadow Education: Scale, Drivers and Future Directions in the Global Spread of Private Supplementary Tutoring’, in Humanist Futures of Learning: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks. Paris: UNESCO, pp.100-104. Also in French: ‘À l’ombre du système éducatif : facteurs et orientations futures de l’offre mondiale de soutien scolaire privé’, in Les futurs humanistes de l’apprentissage : Perspectives des Chaires UNESCO et des Réseaux UNITWIN, Paris : UNESCO, pp.111-116. 中文译稿: 影子教育:私立补习全球扩散背景下的规模、动力和未来走向

7. Bray, Mark; Liu, Junyan; Zhang, Wei & Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa (2019): ‘(Mis-)Trust and (Abuse of) Authority in Cambodian Education: Parallel Lessons in the Shadow’ in Schüpbach, Marianne & Lilla, Nanine (eds.), Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.7-21.

8. Feng, Siyuan & Bray, Mark (2019): 'Outside-School-Time Activities and Shadow Education', in Suter, Larry E.; Smith, Emma & Denman Brian (eds.), SAGE Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education. Los Angeles, SAGE pp.357-371.

9.H. (eds.), Making Sense of Education in Post-Handover Hong Kong: Achievements and Challenges. London: Routledge, pp.95-111. 

10. Liu, Junyan & Bray, Mark (2017): ‘Understanding Shadow Education from the Perspective of Economics of Education’, in Johnes, Geraint; Johnes, Jill; Agasisti, Tommaso & López-Torres, Laura (eds.), Handbook on the Economics of Education. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.398-415

11. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2016): 'Shadow Education: The Rise and Implications of Private Supplementary Tutoring', in Guo, Shibao & Guo, Yan (eds.), (Comparative and International Education: A Diversity of Voices). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp.85-99

12. Bray, Mark (2015): ‘Symbiosis which Complements, or Parasitism which Weakens? International Perspectives on Relationships between Shadow Education and Schooling’, in Kodakos, Anastassios & Kalavasis, Fragiskos (eds.), Shadow Education System: Border Management Models of the School with the Structures of Education Market. Athens: Diadrasi, pp.109-141 (in both English and Greek).

13. Bray, Mark (2015): ‘’, in Ono, Yumiko (ed.), Challenging Disparities in Education, 59th Yearbook of Teacher Education. Naruto: Naruto University of Education for the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET), pp.14-29.

14. Bray, Mark & Kwo, Ora (2015): ‘Designing and Implementing Mixed Approaches to Shadow Education Research: Experiences and Lessons in Hong Kong’, in Bray, Mark; Kwo, Ora & Jokić, Boris (eds.), . Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, and Dordrecht: Springer, pp.149-178.

15. Bray, Mark & Kwo, Ora (2015): ‘Organisational and Cross-Cultural Issues: Learning from Research Approaches’, in Bray, Mark; Kwo, Ora & Jokić, Boris (eds.), . Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, and Dordrecht: Springer, pp.261-288.

16. Bray, Mark; Zhang, Wei; Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa & Liu, Junyan (2015): ‘Researching Private Supplementary Tutoring in Cambodia: Contexts, Instruments and Approaches’, in Bray, Mark; Kwo, Ora & Jokić, Boris (eds.), . Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, and Dordrecht: Springer, pp.219-244.

17. Bray, Mark & Kobakhidze, Nutsa (2014): 'The Global Spread of Shadow Education: Supporting or Undermining Qualities of Education?', in Napier, Diane Brook; Acedo, Clementina & Pitman, Allan (eds.),. Rotterdam: Sense, pp.185-200.

18. Zhang, Wei & Bray, Mark (2013): '', Aurini, Janice; Davies, Scott & Dierkes, Julian (ed.), Out of the Shadows: The Global Intensification of Supplementary Education. Bingley: Emerald, pp.67-94.

19. Bray, Mark (2013): 'Shadow Education: The Rise of Private Tutoring and Associated Corruption Risks', in Transparency International (ed.), . London: Routledge, pp.83-87.

20. Mazawi, André E., Sultana, Ronald G. & Bray, Mark (2013): 'Beyond Shadows: Equity, Diversity, and Private Tutoring, inBray, Mark; Mazawi, André & Sultana, Ronald (eds.), . Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp.205-216.

21. Bray, Mark & Silova, Iveta (2006): 'The Private Tutoring Phenomenon: International Patterns and Perspectives', in Silova, Iveta; Budiene, Virginija & Bray, Mark (eds.): . New York: Open Society Institute, pp.27-40.