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电子邮箱:zwang@ed.ecnu.edu.cn; joywong1984@gmail.com; zhe.wang2@wsu.edu

个人简介0 科学研究1 教授课程2

2016年在美国华盛顿州立大学取得教育心理学哲学博士学位,现为华东师范大学教育学部课程与教学研究所副教授,硕士生导师。近年来,王哲博士在国际顶级SSCI期刊上如British Journal of Educational Technology (英国教育技术),Journal of Computer Assisted Learning(计算机辅助学习),Educational Psychology (教育心理学),Review of Educational Research(教育研究评论)共发表论文近20篇,获得近600次谷歌学术引用;同时为近30份世界顶级SSCI期刊如Learning and Instruction (学习与教学),British Journal of Educational Psychology (英国教育心理学), Journal of Computer Assisted Learning(计算机辅助学习)担任匿名审稿人并审稿70次,并担任国际知名S刊Applied Cognitive Psychology(应用认知心理学)的编委会成员常年都受邀出席全球最大教育年会:美国教育研究协会年会AERA并做学术报告。目前主持一项全国教育规划课题及上海市课程方案基地重大项目。


Google Citation Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Pr3AcvkAAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhe-Wang-72


2020-2023   项目负责人,“小学统编教材中的图文整合效应研究”,全国教育规划国家一般

2020-2022   项目负责人, “智慧学习环境下装饰性细节调节效应研究”,中央高校基本科研业务费项目

2019-2020   项目负责人,“学习环境变革的国际比较研究”,上海市杨浦区教育学院委托项目

2018-2020   项目负责人,“计算机辅助教学情境下诱惑性细节效应研究”,上海市高峰学科建设华东师范大学教育学课题



1. Wang, Z., Zeng, J., & Ardasheva, Y. (已接受) Previewing Test Items prior to Learning and Receiving Decorative Pictures during Testing: Impact on Listening Comprehension for EFL Students. Applied Cognitive Psychology. (SSCI 二区)

2. Wang, Z., Abercrombie, S., Wong, R., Ren, Y., & Dai, S. (2023). The richer, the better? Effects of combining seductive and interpretational visuals in computer-based learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12918(SSCI 一区)

3. Wang, Z., & Schroeder, N. L. (2022). Inconsistent Interactions Between the Seductive Details Effect and Ego Depletion in Multimedia Learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36,418-432. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3932(SSCI 二区)

4. Wang, Z., Ardasheva, Y., Carbonneau, K. J., & Liu, Q. (2021). Testing for boundary conditions of the seductive details effect: Does the length of seductive details matter? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35, 761–774. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3801(SSCI 二区)

5. Wang, Z., Adesope, O.O., Sundararajan, N., & Buckley, P. (2021). Effects of different concept map forms on chemistry learning. Educational Psychology, 2, 245-260. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2020.1749567 (SSCI 一区)

6. Wang, Z., Ardasheva, Y., & Lin, L. (2021). Does high perceptual load assist in reducing the seductive details effect? Educational Psychology, 1, 25-44. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2019.1686465 (SSCI 一区)

7. Wang, Z., Sundararajan, N., Adesope, O.O., & Ardasheva, Y. (2017). Moderating the seductive details effect in multimedia learning with note-taking. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48, 1380–1389.(SSCI 一区)

8. Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2017). Do focused self-explanation prompts overcome seductive details? A multimedia study. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20, 47-57.(SSCI 一区)

9. Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2016). Exploring the effects of seductive details with the four-phase model of interest. Learning and Motivation, 55, 65-77.(SSCI 三区)

10. Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2016). Does prior knowledge moderate the seductive details effect? International Journal of Instruction, 9, 35-50.(ESCI) 


11. Hao, T., Wang, Z*., Dai, S., & Ren, Y. (2023). Ego depletion hampers logical reasoning and monitoring accuracy: An experimental study. The Journal of Experimental Education, 1-17. http://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2023.2248469 (SSCI 一区)


12. Hao, T., Sheng, H., Ardasheva, Y., & Wang, Z. (2022). Effects of dual subtitles on EFL listening comprehension and vocabulary learning. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 31, 529-540. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-021-00601-w (SSCI 一区)

13. Hao, T., Wang, Z., & Ardasheva, Y. (2021). Technology-assisted vocabulary learning for EFL learners: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness,14, 645-667. DOI:10.1080/19345747.2021.1917028 (SSCI二区)

14. Ardasheva, Y., Wang, Z., Roo, A., Adesope, O.O., & Morrison, J.A. (2018). Representation Visuals' Impacts on Science Interest and Reading Comprehension of Adolescent English Learners. Journal of Educational Research, 5, 631-643. (SSCI三区)

15. Ardasheva, Y., Carbonneau, K.J., Roo, A., & Wang, Z. (2017). Relationships among prior learning, anxiety, self-efficacy, and science vocabulary learning of middle school students with varied English language proficiency. Learning and Individual Differences, 61, 21-30. (SSCI一区)

16. Ardasheva, Y., Wang, Z., Adesope, O.O., & Valentine, J.C. (2017). Exploring effectiveness and moderators of language learning strategy instruction on second language learning and self-regulation outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 87, 544-582. (SSCI一区)

17. Zhang, P., Wang, Z., Shen, Y., & Wang, H. (2016). The reliability and validity of the levels of emotional awareness scale for children (LEAS-C) in Chinese children. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy Research, 3, 7-11. 

18. Zhang, P., Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2016). The effects of goal type, learning interest, and task difficulty on achievement: An interactive study. International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research, 15, 32-46.

19. Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2014). Effects of seductive details on multimedia learning. Journal of Studies in Education, 4, 32-44.



Learning and Instruction
Educational Researcher
British Journal of Educational Psychology
British Journal of Educational Technology
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Journal of Educational Computing Research 
Learning and Individual Differences
Educational Psychology
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Journal of Engineering Education 
Sage Open
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
Information and Learning Science
International Journal of Technology and Design Education
Brain and Behavior
Educational Policy
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Education
Frontiers in Psychology
Educational Technology Research & Development
Computers in the Schools
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Multimedia tools and Applications
Psychology Research and Behavior Management

The Educational and Developmental Psychologist

ECNU Review of Education


?Ren, Y., Zhu, T., & Wang, Z. Effects of Emotional Tones and Pacing in Computer-based Learning. (2024年美国AERA年会/Accepted for the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting). 

?Ren, Y., Zhu, T., & Wang, Z. How does Pre-viewing Moderate the Seductive Details Effect in Listening Comprehension for EFL students. (2024年美国AERA年会Accepted for the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting). 

?Ren, Y., Dai, S., Hao, T., & Wang, Z. The richer, the better? Effects of combining seductive and interpretational visuals in computer-based learning. (2023年美国AERA年会/Accepted for the 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting). 

?Dai, S., Ren, Y., Hao, T., & Wang, Z. How does ego depletion influence logical reasoning and monitoring accuracy? (2023年美国AERA年会/Accepted for the 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting). 

?Yuan, M., Zhou, W., Wang, Z., & Dai, J. How do concept maps influence self-regulation and learning performance? (Accepted for the 2021 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting). 

?Wang, Z. Are depleted learners more subject to the seductive details effect? A multimedia study. (Accepted for the 2021 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting).

?Wang, Z. Testing for boundary conditions of the seductive details effect: Does the length of seductive details matter? (Accepted for the 2021 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting).

?M., W., & Wang, Z. Effects of self-explanation of different quality on learning with scientific text. (Accepted for the 2020 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting). 

?Liu, Q., & Wang, Z. An investigation of the moderating effect of perceived relevance on learning with seductive details. (Accepted for the 2020 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting).

?Hao, T., Wang, Z., & Ardasheva, Y. Technology-assisted vocabulary learning for EFL learners: A meta-analysis. (Accepted for the 2020 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting).

?Adesope, O.O., Wang, Z., & Zhang, P. Effects of position on learning with emotional pictures. Paper presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

?Hao, T., Wang, Z., & Ardasheva, Y. Investigating the effects of dual-language subtitles on EFL vocabulary learning and listening of TED talks. Roundtable presentation at the 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.

?Ardasheva,1 Y., Carbonneau,1 K. J., Roo, A. K., & Wang, Z. Anxiety and self-efficacy contributions to science vocabulary learning of secondary students with varied English proficiency. Roundtable presentation at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY (April, 2018).

?Wang, Z. (2017). Cognition and motivation in multimedia learning. Huaxia International Forum, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. 

?Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2017). Do focused self-explanation prompts overcome seductive details? A multimedia study. Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

?Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2017). Does prior knowledge moderate the seductive details effect? Poster presentation at the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

?Ardasheva, Y., Roo, A., Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2017). Impacts on science reading comprehension and interest: Do pictures always help English learners? Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

?Sundararajan, N., Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2017). Managing seductive details: A skill and disposition approach. Poster presentation at the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

?Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2016). The moderating effects of computerized note-taking on seductive details: A multimedia learning study. Poster presentation at the 2016 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

?Ardasheva, Y., Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2016). Exploring effectiveness and moderators of language learning strategy instruction on second language and self-regulation outcomes. Paper presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

?Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2015). The influence of computerized note-taking on the seductive details effect in multimedia learning. Paper presented at the Technology-Enhanced Curricula in Higher Education Conference, Pullman, WA.

?Wang, Z., & Sundararajan, N. (2015). The self-explanation in argumentation: The impact on learning and critical thinking performance. Poster presentation at the Argument-based Inquiry Conference, Spokane, WA.

?Wang, Z., Zhang, P., & Adesope, O.O. (2015). The effects of goal type, learning interest, and task difficulty on achievement: An interactive study. Paper presented at the 2015 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 

?Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2015). Effects of seductive details using the 4-phase model of interest. Poster presentation at the 2015 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.

?Wang, Z., Cavagnetto, A., & Morrison, J. (2014). Chinese middle school students’ view of science. Poster presentation at the 2014 annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education International Conference, San Antonio, TX.

?Wang, Z., & Adesope, O.O. (2013). Seductive details: Should we treat them differently in social sciences than in natural sciences? Poster presentation at the 2013 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.



·       Instructor (Spring 2020). 教育实验与准实验研究。华东师范大学教育学部研究生课程。

·       Instructor (Fall 2019). 教育基础统计。华东师范大学教育学部研究生课程。

·       Instructor (Fall 2018). 教育学量化研究方法。华东师范大学教育学部研究生课程。


  •  Instructor (Fall 2017). ED PSYCH 505: Introduction to Research Methods, College of Education, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.

  • Instructor (Summer 2017). ED PSYCH 505: Introduction to Research Methods, College of Education, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Designed and Delivered courses related to quantitative and qualitative research methods in education. Led student group discussion. Graded reflects, critiques, and final papers.

  • Teaching Assistant (Fall 2016). UNIV 199: Research Skills Course, Office of    Undergraduate Research, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Graded assignments.

  • Graduate Student Instructor (Summer 2016). ED PSYCH 508: Educational Statistics, College of Education, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.  Designed and delivered courses related to Statistical techniques (T-test, ANOVA, Correlation, and Regression).

  • Graduate Student Instructor (Spring 2016). ED PSYCH 503: Multimedia Learning, College of Education, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Designed and delivered courses related to principles of multimedia learning. Facilitated class discussion.

  •  Graduate Student Instructor (Summer 2015). ED PSYCH 505: Introduction to Research Methods, College of Education, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Designed and Delivered courses related to quantitative and qualitative research methods in education. Led student group discussion. Graded reflects, critiques, and final papers.