《五维突破:互联网+教育》 杨晓哲【著】 电子工业出版社 2016.2
《人工智能启蒙》《人工智能应用》《人工智能设计》杨晓哲 【主编】华东师范大学出版社 2020.5
《小比特的三维打印历险记》杨晓哲【著】 电子工业出版社 2016.1
《zSpace:虚拟现实探究》 杨晓哲 【主编】华东师范大学出版社 2019.11
《普通高中课程标准(2017年版)教师指导信息技术》 杨晓哲 【主编】 2019.1
《虚拟现实》杨晓哲【著】教育科学出版社 2022.3
Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., Cheng, P. Y., Yang, X., & Ren, Y. (2019). Which EEG feedback works better for creativity performance in immersive virtual reality: The reminder or encouraging feedback?. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 345-351.(SSCI-Q1)
Yang, X.Z., Cheng, P. Y., Liu, X., & Shih, S. P. (2024). The impact of immersive virtual reality on art education: A study of flow state, cognitive load, brain state, and motivation. Education and Information Technologies, 29(5), 6087-6106.(SSCI-Q1)
Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., Cheng, P.-Y., Yang, X., Ren, Y., & Huang, Y.-M.(2018). Examining creativity through a virtual reality support system. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1231-1254. (SSCI-Q1)
Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., Wen, Y., Cheng, P.-Y., Yang, X., & An, Y. (2020). Time-Compressed Audio on Attention, Meditation, Cognitive Load, and Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 23 (3), 16–26.(SSCI-Q1)
Yang, X.Z., Cheng, P. Y., Lin, L., Huang, Y. M., & Ren, Y. (2019). Can an integrated system of electroencephalography and virtual reality further the understanding of relationships between attention, meditation, flow state, and creativity?. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(4), 846-876.(SSCI-Q2)
Yang, X.Z., Cheng, P. Y., & Huang, Y. M. (2021). Understanding Teacher Learning Through Teacher-Created Knowledge Products and Transactions. SAGE Open, 11(3), 21582440211032659.(SSCI-Q2)
Yang, X.Z. Accelerated Move for AI Education in China. ECNU Review of Education. 2019;2(3):347-352.
Yang, X.Z.Teachers’ Perceptions of Large-Scale Online Teaching as an Epidemic Prevention and Control Strategy in China. ECNU Review of Education. 2020;3(4):739-744.
Aimin Zhou,Xiaozhe Yang,Wen Wu,Ningning Zhou,Feng Liu, Liang He.(2021).Computational affection: A catalyst for human-centered education.Science (ECNU-70 years).28-30.
刘昕, 杨晓哲, 王钦,胡琳琳. 沉浸式虚拟环境对学习者艺术学习的影响研究[J]. 现代教育技术, 2022, 32(4):7.
杨晓哲, 张昱瑾. 疫情防控下中小学教师在线教学与在线培训分析[J]. 现代教育技术, 2020(3):5-11.
杨晓哲, 任友群. 高中信息技术学科的价值追求:数字化学习与创新[J]. 中国电化教育, 2017(1):21-26.
杨晓哲, 任友群. 数字化时代的STEM教育与创客教育[J]. 开放教育研究, 2015(5):35-40.
张怀浩, 任友群, 林立甲,詹艺,杨晓哲.美国AERA 2016年会的研究热点与合作情况*--基于CiteSpaceⅢ的分析[J]. 远程教育杂志, 2016, 34(5):3-12.
任友群, 杨晓哲. STEM视角下的教育革新[J]. 基础教育参考, 2017(01):3-5.
杨晓哲. 2016,四大关键词预见教育信息化的未来[J]. 中国信息技术教育, 2016(01):17-18.
杨晓哲. 多元创造共生[J]. 当代教育家, 2016(5):51-51.
熊璋,杨晓哲. 充分利用人工智能促进教育公平[N].中国教育报,2019-06-01(3).
熊璋,杨晓哲. 编程热引发思考,推动信息素养教育刻不容缓[N].人民日报, 2019-05-08.
Yang,X.Z & Lijia Lin & Jiangshan Sun & Beirong Lu & Feng Li & Jian Zhao (2016). System design and development generated by teachers’ gamification-promoted knowledge. Roundtable Session in American Education Research 2016 Annual Meeting, April 8-12, Washington DC, US.
Yang, X.Z., Lin, L., & Yang, X. (2017). The potential impact of different social media applications between China and the U.S. on learning. International Mobile Learning Festival. Hong Kong, China.
Yang, X., Lin, L., & Yang, X.Z.(2017). A Comparative Study of Participants’ Characteristics in a Chinese and an American Sketch-noting Workshop. The Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Florida,US.
Yang, X.Z., Chen,P.Y,& Yang, X.(2017).The Impact of Three Types of Virtual Reality Scene on Learning. EITT 2017 Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan