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ICI Conference║National Primary and Secondary School "Xue Li An for Learning" Teaching Observation Seminar


On May 10, 2024, a year from the time when the "Action Plan for Deepening the Reform of Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching" was issued by the Ministry of Education, the 2024 National Primary and Secondary School "Xue Li An·Teaching for Learning" Teaching Observation Seminar was held at Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School. Professionals in education field from 17 provinces and cities across the country gathered here to inspire exchanges, share wisdom, and jointly discuss the "Xue Li An" class teaching reform path in the era of core literacy.

This conference was guided by the expert team of the Curriculum and Instruction Research Institute of East China Normal University, hosted by the Henan Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching Development Center and Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau, jointly organized by Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School Education Group and Zhengzhou Normal University Affiliated Primary School, and co-organized by Guangzhou Tianhe District Education Bureau, Chengdu Wenjiang District Education Bureau, Hangzhou Gongshu District Education Bureau, Suzhou Wujiang District Education Bureau, Zhengzhou Jinshui District Education Bureau and other units.

The conference set up the main forum venue and three sub-venues for primary school, junior high school and high school. Ten teachers and thirteen graduates and doctoral candidates of curriculum and instruction theory from the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University participated in the special reports, classroom observations, after-class comments, Ai classroom analysis, interactive Q&A, etc. The conference showed the results of the exploration of the new curriculum reform, jointly studied the confusion in the practice of the new curriculum reform, and further clarified the path and prescription of curriculum education under the background of the new plan.


Cao Zhangcheng, the inspector of Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau, presided over the opening ceremony

Wang Lijuan, Party Secretary of and Director of Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau, delivered a welcome speech. She said that Zhengzhou's rich historical accumulation and cultural heritage have promoted the high-quality development of Zhengzhou's education work. The "double reduction", "value-added evaluation" reform, and "official baby-sitting" after-school service model have been praised and promoted by the Ministry of Education many times, forming a "Zhengzhou brand"; Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School has taken the "Xue Li An" as a starting point in recent years and has achieved fruitful results in designing and promoting curriculum and teaching reforms. The teaching observation seminar held this time will become an important opportunity for new wisdom, new experiences, and new momentum.

Wang Lijuan, Party Secretary of and Director of Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau

Li Hailong, director of the Henan Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching Development Center, emphasized in his speech: This is not only a special seminar on the design and application of Xue Li An, but also a demonstration of the deepening of curriculum and teaching reform, and a teacher training meeting for subject education under the guidance of core literacy. He hopes that the participating teachers will base themselves on classroom teaching research, implement "curriculum reform" into "course reform", and improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching.

Li Hailong, director of the Henan Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching Development Center

He Chenggang, director of the Primary and Secondary School Teaching Research Center of the Curriculum and Teaching Materials Research Institute of the Ministry of Education, emphasized the necessity of cultivating outstanding talents and promoting teaching reform in the new era, and emphasized that basic education should focus on core literacy-oriented teaching design, homework design, examination questions, comprehensive quality evaluation and other issues to cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor.

He Chenggang, director of the Primary and Secondary School Teaching Research Center of the Curriculum and Teaching Materials Research Institute of the Ministry of Education

Academic Leading and Theory Improving

Zhang Wumin, Director of Zhengzhou Basic Education Teaching Research Office

Shen Xudong, Party Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Hangzhou Gongshu District Education Research Institute, Liu Lianyin, Director of the Primary Education Research Office of Chengdu Wenjiang District Education Science Research Institute, Ge Hongxia, Deputy Director of the Teacher Development Center of Guangzhou Tianhe District, and Li Yuguo, Principal of Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School Education Group, represented the regions and schools to share Xue Li An research and practical experience. They combined specific cases, promoted practical learning through practice, pointed out the direction for the professionalization of teachers' teaching design, optimization of classroom teaching process, and implementation of core subject literacy, and truly "turned the desired literacy into visible scenery".

Liu Lianyin, director of the Primary Education Research Office of Wenjiang District Educational Science Research Institute of Chengdu, shared her experience in Xue Li An research and practice

Ge Hongxia, deputy director of the Teacher Development Center of Tianhe District, Guangzhou, shared her Xue Li An studies and practical experience

Shen Xudong, Dean of the Hangzhou Gongshu District Education Research Institute, shared Xue Li An studies and shared practical experience

Li Yuguo, principal of Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School Education Group, shared Xue Li An studies and practical experience

Professor Zhou Wenye, deputy director of the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University, took the topic of "Classroom Evaluation: Tasks, Scoring Rules and Their Integrated Design" and focused on the tasks, scoring rules and integrated design and big unit teaching in classroom evaluation based on the theoretical level, providing guidance for the teaching concepts and practical operations of in-service teachers.

Professor Zhou Wenye, deputy director of the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University

Professor Cui Yunhuo, director of the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University, gave a report entitled "New Teaching: Using Curriculum Thinking to "Grasp the Big and Unify the Small", emphasizing the establishment of a big concept: first there is curriculum, then there is teaching; only with curriculum can there be classroom; lead learning through curriculum, think like curriculum experts, and provide a path for schools to implement "grasp the big and unify the small".

Professor Cui Yunhuo, director of the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University


Academic guidance and experience sharing complement each other. Teachers from various schools participating in the meeting carried out research on the teaching practice of Xue Li An studies, promoting and continuously deepening them.

On the afternoon of May 10, 21 famous teachers from five provinces including Guangdong, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jiangsu and Henan conducted multi-disciplinary classroom demonstrations for high school, junior high school and primary school, providing teachers with teaching paradigms.

Seven experts and ten teaching experts from the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University gave precise comments and guidance on the 21 demonstration classes. The participating teachers deeply felt the value and significance of "real learning" in the Xue Li An characterized classroom under the "new curriculum and textbooks".

Experts from ICI ECNU(Cui Yunhuo, Guo Baoxian, Wang Zhe, Yang Xiaozhe, Zhou Wenye, Zhou Yong, Zhu Weiqiang)

Specially invited experts( Chen Dongliang, Jiang Yayun, Li Chaoying, Liu Yongdong, Lu Ming, Qi Hua, Wang Minshun, Wan Songhai, Yang Huiru, Yu Xiaohua)


On the morning of May 11, the meeting carried out four sessions of "teaching and research stories", "classroom teaching and research methods", "observers say" and "experts Q&A". Experts from the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University, teaching and research staff from various regions and teachers shared and talked. In the process of Xue Li An research, teachers need to constantly think and explore, and constantly update and improve teaching designs. Education colleagues from all over the country learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses in exchanges, and promote mutual win-win results.

Associate Professor Yang Xiaozhe, Director of the International Classroom Analysis Laboratory of the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University, gave a report on the classroom analysis of Xue Li An

Lu Ming,Zhejiang educator and Zhejiang Province mathematics special teacher,shared his observation and evaluation of the class

Qi Hua, a national outstanding teacher and teacher education expert in Henan Province, shared observation and evaluation of the class

Zhang Jurong, director of the Education Science Research Office of Wujiang District, Suzhou, shared professional understanding and and research stories

Dai Cheng, principal of Guanghua Experimental Middle School in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, shared professional understanding and teaching research stories

Chen Yan, a researcher at the Guangzhou Tianhe District Education Research Institute, shared her professional understanding and teaching and research stories

Yang Yifan, a key teacher at Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School, shared professional understanding and teaching research stories

Participating teachers asked questions to experts on the spot

Professor Cui Yunhuo from the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction of East China Normal University answered questions from participating teachers on the spot

This seminar is like a feast of education, building a bridge of communication and learning for educators, helping to promote advanced teaching models and concepts and inspire educational innovation. At the same time, experts and teachers explored problems and confusions in depth, looking for the key to solving teaching problems and injecting new vitality into teaching reform.

Wang Chunqian, vice principal of Zhengzhou Huimin Senior High School, summarized the meeting