


Issues in 2011
December 2011


DING Nianjin

The Ideology of Classroom Assessment in the Vision ofQuality Culture

SONG Lihua & LI Rumi

Teacher’ s ‘Speaking’ and ‘Listening’ : from Fighting to Coexisting

GUO Weilu & LIN Chuili

The Running Mode of School Board in American Universities

JIA Lijun & GUAN Jingjuan

Analysis on the Development of the Concept of Employability Abroad


Western Modern Concepts of Community Education and Its Inspiration

HE Weiqiang

A Review on British Pre-school Education Reform During New Labour’s Being in Power

WANG Xihai

Children Education and Instinct: 0ppress or Inspire


Children's Drama and Children's Cognition Development

DAI Yu & ZHENG Tainian

Are Chinese Teachers’ Educational Views Adaptive to Educational Innovation: A Study Based on Video-based Questionnaire and Interview

YAN Shouxuan & ZHU Ningbo

Loss and Return to Life Experience of Teacher Education

CHEN Deyun

A Study on Development of NBPTS Standards-based Teacher Certification Assessment


The Principles of Teacher’s Moral Self-practice

XU Binyan

Testing Mathematics Competences Aiming at Diagnosing and Facilitating Mathematics Teaching in Germany

HU Xingchang &WANG Changrong

Multicultural Viewpoint of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Shanghai Junior High School Science Curriculum Standard Knowledge Structure Analysis

JIN Hehua

Perspective and Interpretation of the Foreign “Standards of Language Courses” in the New Century