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The 19th Shanghai International Curriculum Forum║Comparing Curriculum and Instruction Inside and Outside Schools: Policies and Practices


19th Shanghai International Curriculum Forum

Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 November 2021

Comparing Curriculum and Instruction Inside and Outside Schools:

Policies and Practices

Each year, the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction (ICI) of East China Normal University (ECNU) holds an International Curriculum Forum for academic exchange and practical development. The annual event brings together practitioners and leading academics in China with counterparts around the world.

The 2021 forum is organized by ICI’s Centre for International Research in Supplementary Tutoring (CIRIST), in conjunction with the Shanghai Training Association (STA). It will focus on curriculum and instruction inside and outside schools. A major context will be the policy on ‘Further Reducing the Workload of Students and the Burden of Out-of-School Training in the Compulsory Education Stage’ released by the Ministry of Education in Beijing on 24 July 2021. This policy has significant vision for the education sector and the wider society, and has far-reaching implications both for schools and for external providers of supplementary education.


In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Forum will be held in combined online and offline forms. The offline participants will gather in ECNU’s Zhongbei campus (3663 North Zhongshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai 200062).

Overall Theme

The overall theme, presented above, uses the word ‘Comparing’ in several senses. First, curriculum and instruction will be compared inside and outside schools, to identify the roles of schools and external providers of education and the modes through which children learn. Second, comparisons will focus on patterns at multiple levels, including classrooms, institutions, districts, provinces and countries. Thus, the Forum will note both commonality and diversity within China; and it will make various international comparisons. The conference will also compare patterns at different levels of education, particularly primary, lower secondary and upper secondary.

Themes for Parallel Sessions

Parallel sessions will address four specific sub-themes, namely:

1. Comparison of Curriculum and Instruction in Schooling and Shadow Education

2. Theory and Practice of Partnerships for Educating Students Inside and Outside Schools

3. International Comparison of Policies and Regulations for Private Tutoring

4. Theory and Practice of Instruction that Merges Online and Offline


Specially Invited Experts: Well-known experts and scholars in related fields in China and abroad will give plenary addresses and parallel-session presentations.

Conference Fee: Free of charge

Form of Conference

² Plenary address, roundtable forum and forum for postgraduates

² The conference will include short videos and livestreaming to interact and share ideas.

Requirement for Submissions

² Participants are invited submit papers suitably fitting the theme of the conference in Chinese or English. The deadline for submissions is 7 October 2021. The email address is: iciecnu@163.com.

² The conference will lead to a book containing chapters in English and Chinese and published by the ECNU Press. An additional possibility is for selected papers to be published in the English-language ECNU Review of Education and/or the Chinese-language journal, Global Education.

² Paper Format: The paper can be written in either Chinese or English of 6,000-8,000 words, with both Chinese abstract (around 200 words) and English abstract (around 200 words). If writing in Chinese, please refer to the format of latest issue of Global Education.


You can sign up to the forum through WeChat. Please scan the QR code below to fill in the information and finish the registration. The deadline for registration is 7 October 2021.


² For updated information of the forum:

The ICI website: http://www.kcs.ecnu.edu.cn and the CIRIST website: http://www.kcs.ecnu.edu.cn/EN/content.aspx?info_lb=243&flag=237

The Official Account of ICI on Wechat: ecnuici

² If you have any other questions about the forum, please contact Ms JIANG Lijuan:

Tel: 021-32526084

E-mail: iciecnu@163.com