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Zhou Yong


Name:Zhou Yong

Title: Associate Professor.

Degree: Ph.D

Research Directions: School Culture in Contemporary China; Curriculum Reform and the Tearchers' Professional Lives; History of China's Confucianism Curriculum et al.

E-mail: Yzhou@kcx.ecnu.edu.cn

Research Interests:

Basically I am a sociologically oriented historian of education and culture(here culture means the textual, visual products made by scholars, artists, and the popular culture industry). I am also willing to do some school work so as to understand and better the curriculum products made by the teachers.

I have studied many subjects which are mainly originated from the ideals and actions of the past Chinese scholars and educators, such as, the discourse conflicts and the struggle for the authority of educational reform and Confucianism reconstruction invented by leading scholars and educators in 11th century China, how modern Chinese scholars and educators found the space in the field of higher and secondary education to implement their modern academic discipline curriculum, and the teaching life of modern influential Chinese scholars.

In 2009, I accomplished another piece of research work. That is about why Michael Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu tried their best to break away from German rational Philosophy, Satre’s Existentialism, and other previous existed forms of knowledge they disliked, how they could win finally in the high rank educational and academic institutions which were controlled by the knowledge power they intended to fight against.

Compared and competed with other professional people, how can the professional educational scholars survive in the university, and then find something important and good to do in the struggling world? My latest studies aim to find the answers from the wonderful history of education and of other cultural professions.

Selected Publications:

Knowledge Power and Elite Students in the field of Education, Beijing Normal University Press, 2010

The Education of Chinese Culture at Famous Schools in Southeast China, 1919-1949, East China Normal University Press, 2008

Teaching life of six Modern Chinese Masters, East China Normal University Press, 2008

Discourse Conflict and its Tragedy in the Movement of New Educational reform in 11th Century China, Peking: Educational Science Publishing House, 2004.

The Tragic Destiny of the Educational School at University of Chicago, in Reading(Du Shu), March, 2010

The Turbulent Discipline and Profession: A Hundred Year Dilemma of Harvard Education School, in Teacher Education Studies(Jiaoshi Jiaoyu Yanjiu), forthcoming, 2010

The Complex of Anti-School and the Production of Educational Discourse: A Case Study of Kant and Foucault, in Global Education Perspective(Quanqiu Jiaoyu Zhanwang), Nov., 2009

Philosophy, Poem, and Wisdom: The Curriculum Dilemma of Plato, in Peking University Educational Review, March, 2008

The Life Space of the University Professor in Republican China, in Peking University Educational Review, March, 2007

Knowledge and Educational Conflicts in Modern Society, in Educational Research(Jiaoyu Yanjiu), March, 2003.

Professional Experience and Education Background:

2009,10- Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles

2004,09- Associate Professor, East China Normal China, Shanghai

2002,09-2004,06 Lectuer, East China Normal University, Shanghai

1999,09-2002,06 Doctoral Student of the History of Education, East China Normal University

Other Professional Activities:

Vice Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, ECNU

Member of Chinese Sociology of Education Association

Member of Editorial Board of China’ Education: Research and Review

Business Contact Information:

Phone: 86-21-62235546, 62232042

E-mail: yzhou@kcx.ecnu.edu.