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Wang Xiaoming


Name:Wang Xiaoming

Title: Associate Professor

Degree: Ph.D

Research Direction: Curriculum and Instrution theory, learning psychology, sample teaching, teaching psychology

E-mail: xmwang@kcx.ecnu.edu.cn

Personal Details

Family Name: Wang Given Names: Xiaoming

Gender: Male Nationality: Chinese

Highest Qualification: Doctor’s Degree Title: Associate Professor

Work Phone: +86-21-62233405

Address: Institute of Curriculum and Instruction

East China Normal University

3663 North Zhongshan Road

Shanghai 200062,P.R.China.


Learning and Working Experience

B.A. School Education, Department of Education, He Nan University, 1995.

Ph.D. Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, East China Normal University, 2000.

Lecturer Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University,2000-2005

Associate Professor Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University,2005-

Visiting Scholar School of Education, University of New South Wales,Australia,2013 -2014.

Research Interest

Educational psychology; Psychology of learning; Instructional psychology;Instructional design;Psychology of school subjects.


Papers published in journals

Wang,X.M.(2011).Bloom’s cognitive objective taxonomy (revised) and the making of curriculum goals, Global Education, 4.

Wang,X.M.(2011).Research on learning from worked examples and its implications for curriculum reform, Basic Education, 2.

Wang,X.M.(2011).Research on learning from worked examples and the teaching of Chinese Language Arts, Research of Modern Basic Education, 4.

Wang,X.M.(2010).On the learning from examples in teaching Chinese, Journal of Chinese Education, 4.

Wang,X.M.(2008).Reading and reading instruction: a psychological perspective,Curriculum·Textbooks·Pedagogy,5.

Wang,X.M.(2008).Multimedia learning and multimedia design: a cognitive approach, Global Education,2.

Wang,X.M.(2008).An analysis of illustrations in science textbooks, Zhe Jiang Educational Science,3.

Wang,X.M.(2007).Research on learning from worked-examples in foreign countries, Elementary and Secondary School Education in Foreign Countries,1.

Wang,X.M.(2007).Psychological research on the teaching method of modeling, Zhe Jiang Educational Science,4.

Wang,X.M.(2006).Developing the competence of problem solving in inquiry learning, Curriculum Research,2.

Wang,X.M.(2005).Instructional psychology and textbook design, Global Education,11.

Wang,X.M.(2004).The literacy of Chinese language and literature: a psychological perspective, The Construction in Chinese Language Arts, 3.

Wang,X.M.(2004).Review of constructionism in Chinese Chemistry Curriculum Standards, Curriculum Research,1.

Wang,X.M.(2004).Modern psychology’s concept of knowledge and its implication for curriculum reform, Global Education,10.

Wang,X.M.(2003).An analysis of Chinese and American reading standards, Zhe Jiang Educational Science,3.

Wang,X.M.(2003).Performance assessment: a measure of advanced learning, Global Education,11.

Wang,X.M. & Wang,Y.L.(2003).Nurturing the observational ability in writing, Popular Psychology,4.

Wang,X.M.(2003).Chinese language ability: a psychological perspective,Zhe Jiang Educational Science,4.

Wang,X.M.(2003). On the knowledge concept in the curriculum standard of Chinese Language and Literature: a psychological perspective, The Construction in Chinese Language Arts, 7.

Wang,X.M.(2002).The essentials of reading instruction, Curriculum·Textbooks·Pedagogy,7.

Wang,X.M.(2002). The history of research on thinking training, Global Education,2.

Wang,X.M.(2001).On the objective of reading instruction, Journal of Ning Bo University (Educational Science), 6.

Wang,X.M. et al.(2001).An experimental research on the teaching of sentence schema, Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Science), 3.

Wang,X.M.(1999).The past, present and future of the psychology of school subjects, Journal of Ning Bo University (Educational Science), 2.

Wang,X.M.(1999).Schema theory and the teaching of sentence structure, Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Science), 2.

Wang,X.M.(1998).Comparative research on the problem solving of expert teachers and novice teachers, Elementary and Secondary School Education in Foreign Countries,2.

Wang,X.M.,Jv,R,L.(1998).The research on concept representation in modern cognitive psychology, Shanghai Educational Research,10.

Wang,X.M.(1997).Research on the characteristic of expert teachers, Journal of Teacher Training,4.

Wang,X.M.(1997). Schema and teachers’ teaching, Shanghai Educational Research,6.

Wang,X.M. & Hu,Y.(1996).New direction of teacher training: research on expert teachers and novice teachers, Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Science), 3.

Monographs, Textbooks and chapters in books

Wang,X,M. & Pang,W.G.(2014).Children's Cognition and Learning.Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Wang,X.M.(2012).Learning Psychology: learning in the content areas, Beijing:Kaiming Press.

Pi,L.S.,Pang,W.G., & Wang,X.M.(2011).Educational Psychology (4th. ed.), Shanghai:Shanghai Educational Press.

Wang,X.M.(2009).Learning motor skills. In Pi,L.S.,Yang,X.D., & Wu,H.Y.(eds.). The Psychology of Learning and Instruction (5th.ed.), Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Pi,L.S., Wang,X.M., & Hu,Y. (2009).Instructional Design (2nd. ed.).Beijing: Higher Education Press,2009.

Wang,X.M.(2009).Learning Psychology, Beijing: China Light Industry Press.

Wang,X.M.(2005).Theory of Instruction: a Psychological Approach, Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.

Wang,X.M., Pi,L.S. & Wang,Y.X. (2005). Knowledge classification and goals guided instruction: theory and research. In Zhang,D.J. & Wang,Y.X.(eds.).New Directions in Instructional Psychology. Beijing: People’s Education Press.

Pi,L.S.,Wang,X.M.Wu,H.Y. et al. (2005).Modern Instructional Design, Beijing: Capital Normal University Press.

Pi,L.S.,Wang,X.M. & Pang,W.G.(2004).Educational Psychology (3rd. ed.), Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.

Zhang,C.L. & Wang,X.M. (2004).Learning and Instruction in Mathematics, Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press,2004.

Wang,X.M. et al. (2004).Learning and Instruction in Chinese Language art, Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.

Pi,L.S., Wang,X.M., & Pang,W.G. (2004).The Psychological Base for Implementing the Elements of Curriculum Reform in Basic Education, Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.

Wang,X.M.(2003).Learning motor skills. In Pi,L.S., Yang,X.D., & Wu,H.Y.(eds.). The Psychology of Learning and Instruction(3rd.ed.). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Wang,X.M.(1998).Measuring and evaluating learning outcome from the point of knowledge classification. In Pi,L.S.(ed.).Knowledge Classification and Goals Guided Instruction. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Pi,L.S.,Wang,X.M., & Wang,Y.X.(1998).Modern Cognitive Learning Psychology, Beijing: Police officers Education Press.

Translated Works

Alexander,P.A.(in press).Psychology in Learning and Instruction (translated by Wang,X.M., Zhang,H.H. & Wang,Y.L.). Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Press.

Driscoll,M.P.(2008).Psychology of Learning for Instruction(3rd.ed.) (translated by Wang,X.M.,Wang,Y.H.,Tong,Q.P. et al.). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Gagné,R.M. et al.(2007).Principles of Instructional Design(5th.ed.) (translated by Wang,X.M.,Pang,W.G. et al.). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Bandura,A. (2002). Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory (translated by Wang,X.M.,Lin,Y.,Pang,W.G., & Hu.Y.). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

Schaefer,C.E. & DiGeronimo,T.F.(2002).How to Talk to Your Kids about Really Important Things (translated by Wang,X.M.). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.